Did you know...


in Tokyo (JP)


Schubert, Beethoven, Rachmaninov and Kapustin


Charlotte Link's "das Echo der Schuld"

started piano aged 4

related to Willhelm Kempff


can stretch from C to G (LH)
last broke a string 11am, 15/2/20 in Moscow (RU) - during practice
also plays

the guitar, violin and harmonica


studied with Helen Goharitz ('82), Ronald Smith ('84), Chris Elton ('92), Clarence Myerscough ('93), Hamish Milne ('96), Howard Davis (96), Emmanuil Monaszon ('97), Matthew Coorey ('11)
teaches at Munich City music school
adores the music of Bruckner & Gershwin
greatly admires Bernstein, Giulini and Myung-whun Chung
recently loved performing on a brand new Kawai SK-EX
recently didn't love trying to get anything done in hot weather
enjoys running, swimming, skiing, (mountain-)hiking/climbing, cycling, calisthenics, languages, cooking, coffee and films
speaks fluent English, German, Russian, French
and some Japanese, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Mandarin, Portuguese and Serbian
and VERY little

Polish, Norwegian, Danish, Slovene, Czech, Finnish, Cantonese, Turkish, isiZulu, Urdu, Estonian, Swedish, Arabic & Vietnamese

likes Atomic (ski), пельмени and South African Bordeaux blends
drives Hyundai Staria AWD, Cube Nature SL, Atomic G9s and Maverick Ti's
skied 0 days in winter '24/'25
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© Freddy Kempf